
Born and raised in McKinney

6th generation Texan from Collin County
Married to an Angel
Father of 7 choice spirits
Grandfather of one adorable child
Realtor – Broker/Manager – FindingAHouse.com
Former Allen City Councilmember
Former Allen Economic Dev Corp – Board of Directors
Bach of Science – Family Sciences
Favorite song – Sweet Life by Paul Davis
Favorite movie – It’s a Wonderful Life by Frank Capra
Favorite TV shows – Andy Griffith and I Love Lucy
Below are some words from some of kids:

Ambitious, loyal, and dependable are good words to describe Dad. He stands up for his beliefs and is determined to make progress.

Katie Varela

He is courageous, friendly, optimistic, and always a go-getter, willing to do things right especially when wrong is easier. His support and encouragement mean the world to me because I know that he is genuine and that he wants the best for me. And that devotion does not stop at his children. My father is dedicated to making the world a better place and keeping the good in it, and he cares both about the big picture and each individual. I love seeing the way he interacts with those around them, showing respect and always leaving them with a smile.

Emma Herald

My dad is trustworthy. He will tell the truth even when it isn’t popular. His focus is on individuals but also families. He always wants to help people grow and progress, and become the best version of themselves. He knows the difference between feeding a man a fish and teaching a man to fish, and tries to focus on the latter, whether that individual is one of his kids, a friend, or someone in the community. And, he is a much loved Babbo (grandpa), dad, husband, and friend.

Sara Darke

Dad always does his best to make people laugh and I love that he bought me a guitar, he loves to help people.

Jackie Herald

One thing that I always saw from my dad was his willingness to fulfill his position. Whether it was for church, community, his children’s band association, or as a father. He rose to the challenge again and again. I remember going to Keep Allen Beautiful clean-up events, as well as participating in CERT training with him. But during the difficult parenting stage (those teenage years) he chose to join the Color Guard: GuardFathers and cheer me on in every event I participated in. He didn’t have to travel to each game, and maybe he also enjoys football, but he also came to each competition I had. In whatever position he is in, he makes sure to show up and do his job. But above the job, he chooses to care about those he watches over; the environment of Allen, his fellow churchgoers, his neighbors, his family, and those that he doesn’t know yet. 

Darlyn Kirby

My dad is good at making informed decisions. He loves looking into the details: where people are coming from, what’s important to them. He asks questions in hopes of understanding and then makes a decision.

Jordan Herald

My father has always been a role model for me. As a kid, he taught me honesty and integrity were highly valued. I knew that when I accidentally broke things or made other mistakes he cared more about me being upfront with him and telling him what happened. He took time for me while growing up to play games and do things I wanted to do. I remember the first computer game I ever played was Sid Meiers Civilization III, it was quite complex and I often died on my own and needed his help to figure out how to play the game effectively.

My dad was my sports buddy and helped me develop a love for sports. Although I physically wasn’t built for football I remember playing catch with him and later when I got into frisbee he would run and play Ultimate with me as well. My father went on many campouts with me, always taking time out of his day to make my days. I love having him around even though he can be a complete clown and crack jokes about me in front of my friends. As all fathers do, he would embarrass you with his obnoxious cheer, my favorite example is he currently has used a mini megaphone during halftime to call out my little sister Jackie.

Joey is a family man, he is an honest man, and he is a caring man. He stands for his values and encourages others to their best. He encourages me to study and work hard in my classes and helps when he can. He encouraged me to work, both in classes and in a real-life job. I started mowing to earn money and later got my first job at Dairy Queen. My dad taught me a good work ethic, encouraging me to be the best worker I could. I learned many times to not quit and give up but continue to work and I could get through hard things.

Andy Herald